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20-year-old Kamayan para sa Kalikasan get expanded well beyond the
confines of the function room it uses in Kamayan Restaurant?
you volunteer to do anything on a sustained basis for the dawning
of an even stronger Kamayan Forum?
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Deeper and Longer-Term
Stakeholder Empowerment
for Discussing Dangers
& Disasters
have well-informed,
vigilant guardians of
the Natural Env'ment
THE KAMAYAN PARA SA KALIKASAN monthly environment forum,
Kamayan Forum for short, is celebrating its 20th
aniversary during its 241st monthly session to be held on Third Friday March 19
(10:30am-2pm, thru free lunch, courtesy its full sponsor for two decades,
Kamayan Restaurant along EDSA) and the forum session's topic will be "Decades of
Discussing Dangers and Disasters."
. We
will celebrate, all right, but such celebration will have to face the challenge
of answering two questions: "Has the
Kamayan Forum
made a dent on the
environmental consciousness of the people, at least those based in the national
capital region where most of the forum participants have been coming from?" and
"What can we do to raise the level of our humble achievements, which have to be
upgraded and maximized in the face of natural and nature-related disasters that
have grown to be more severe and more frequent in just the past few years?
The whole planet, with the Philippines as a particular flash point, is now
facing greater magnitudes of danger looming and threatening to unfold fully in
the next few years! What do we have to achieve in this decade and the next ones
for a fighting chance to survive?
To be sure, all the efforts would
take decades, and the achievements should also have consequences spanning
decades. Global warming has been caused by human thinking (?) and behavior that
spanning decades, even centuries. Discussions about them have also spanned
decades: on a global scale, the series of discussions in meetings, conferences,
summit conferences, etc. that culminated in Copenhagen last year spanned
decades. Even the very humble project, called
Forum, has already lived
for two full decades. Time is not the only element needed for success of the
decades-long discussions.
The spirit of the
discussions should be the collective and synergized will
power to seek together the truth that
will set us free from the monstrous problems that we ourselves have created or
at lease passively allowed to be created. If a minority that is strong but
immensely powerful (as giant corporations and governments in their grip) can
quite easily hold the process hostage just to protect and perpetuate the
disaster-causing status quo, while the vast but unconsolidated majority demands
radical changes in worldwide patterns, that spirit is nowhere present and
debacles like the one in Copenhagen last December can only be expected.
a much smaller scale, as the vast majority of the most vulnerable stakeholders
in the Philippine environmental survival are not active enough, not informed
enough, not even interested enough, to attend environmental forums like that in
Kamayan, or not even to just read intently, understand and share with even just
their own families and small social groupings whatever conclusions and vital
information emanate from these discussions,
such collective inaction will continue
allowing the enemies of the environment to destroy our living quarters, our
living home planet.
Discussions will have to be earnest, participatory, and
directed towards unified collective actions that would really address our grave
and worsening environmental problems. Who should be active in those discussions?
All who are aware of the problems and the needed collective actions to address
them (Balik-Bayanihan for the Environment), and all who can be made aware of
these. We have to reach out to those people who are now blissfully ignorant of
very real dangers to their lives and their responsibility to stand up and be
counted in the great “Balik-Bayanihan para sa Kalikasan.” Let the monthly
face-to-face “plenaries” of “ Kamayan para sa
Kalikasan” have consultative and “echo” discussion
sessions in the dinner tables at home, in classroom
lecture-discussions, in the breaktime conversations in workplaces, and even in
telephone and internet sharings.
A new decade dawns
for Kamayan Forum – where we will be
shaking hands to seal agreements on observations, analyses, and concrete
highly-participatory and highly-consequential actions, where we will be shaking
hands in agreement to conserve nature and live close to its own Life-loving
principles. It is a dawning of a new day of enlightened consciousness for our
people (in the Philippines) far beyond Kamayan-EDSA's function room.
Kamayan Forum
is convened on the
third Friday of every
month, from 10:30 a.m.
to 2 p.m. at the Kamayan-Saisaki restaurant along EDSA (near SEC, Ortigas) in Mandaluyong City. As full sponsor since March 1990, Kamayan serves free lunch to all
participants (see